
GMCF X Vidéotron

Le show héliporté
Project Details

The Grand Montréal Comedie Fest gathers. It gathers comedians and their audience.

So much so that instead of the public coming to the shows, it’s the shows to comes to the public.


Crazy idea, you say ?


In this stunt, comedians are ready to go a long way to get to their audience. Some will get a helicopter. Others will have to figure it out. As long as it’s fast.

Mandate type
48 hours only to film and edit
A crazy idea !
Check out the article

On July 5 and 6, comedians Martin Petit and friends pulled off quite a stunt (straight from a James Bond movie) in order to produce Quebec's best comedians in 3 different cities - at the same time. Definitely one of the strongest move from the Grand Montréal Comedie Fest.


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